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Comments on <<我們有權選總統>> (TVB USA) - 2008/10/5

1) As long as the viewers see the show as a high school "US History/Government" class lecture, it is an informative show. The UCLA(?) professor definitely brought to the Chinese audience many common textbook concepts of US government. That said, I would say that these concepts are somewhat far from what happens in real life - based on history, court cases, and things like executive orders and signing statements.
2) How in the world did you manage to find those three students!! (Especially the bespectacled one who pursues his happiness in video games and restaurants.) I suppose their apathy made them the perfect "negative examples" of what the show encourages viewers to be. (I hope that was done on purpose.) It would be better to have the following mix instead of three indifferent/uninformed students:

- A student completely indifferent to voting/election
- A student who votes but is not actively involved
- A student who votes AND is actively involved in college political organizations like Young Republicans or Young Democrats

I hope these three students do not represent the political views, or lack thereof, of UCLA students.

