Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081218/ap_on_re_us/samaritan_protection
LOS ANGELES – Proving that no good deed goes unpunished, the state's high court on Thursday said a would-be Good Samaritan accused of rendering her friend paraplegic by pulling her from a wrecked car "like a rag doll" can be sued.
California's Supreme Court ruled that the state's Good Samaritan law only protects people from liability if the are administering emergency medical care, and that Lisa Torti's attempted rescue of her friend didn't qualify.
Justice Carlos Moreno wrote for a unanimous court that a person is not obligated to come to someone's aid.
"If, however, a person elects to come to someone's aid, he or she has a duty to exercise due care," he wrote.
Torti had argued that she should still be protected from a lawsuit because she was giving "medical care" when she pulled her friend from a car wreck.
Alexandra Van Horn was in the front passenger seat of a car that slammed into a light pole at 45 mph on Nov. 1, 2004, according to her negligence lawsuit.
Torti was a passenger in a car that was following behind the vehicle and stopped after the crash. Torti said when she came across the wreck she feared the car was going to explode and pulled Van Horn out. Van Horn testified that Torti pulled her out of the wreckage "like a rag doll." Van Horn blamed her friend for her paralysis.
Whether Torti is ultimately liable is still to be determined, but Van Horn's lawsuit can go forward, the Supreme Court ruled.
Beverly Hills lawyer Robert Hutchinson, who represented Van Horn, said he's pleased with the ruling.
Torti's attorney, Ronald Kent, of Los Angeles didn't immediately return a telephone call.
A Good Samaritan whose well-meaning but careless rescue effort injures an accident victim can be sued for damages, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday.
The court said California's shield against liability for emergency help applies only to people trying to provide medical help.
The 4-3 ruling allows a 27-year-old Los Angeles woman to go to trial in her suit against a friend who pulled her out of a wrecked car and, in the process, allegedly caused injuries that left her permanently paralyzed. The friend, Lisa Torti, said she had seen smoke and thought the car was about to explode, but other witnesses said they had seen no signs of danger.
The court majority said the law Torti cited to try to dismiss the lawsuit was intended only to encourage people to learn first aid and use it in emergencies, not to give Good Samaritans blanket immunity when they act negligently. Dissenting justices said the ruling would discourage people from trying to save lives.
The case dates from 2004, when a group of friends including Torti and Alexandra Van Horn left a bar in suburban Chatsworth (Los Angeles County) in two cars after a Halloween party.
The car in which Van Horn was a passenger went out of control and hit a light pole. Torti, in the other car, pulled Van Horn out just before emergency crews arrived to take her to the hospital, where she underwent surgery for a spinal cord injury and a lacerated liver.
Torti testified that she had carried her friend out carefully, with one arm under her legs and one behind her back. But Van Horn said Torti had grabbed her by the arm and yanked her out.
Other witnesses said Torti had set Van Horn down next to the car, despite Torti's testimony that she was worried the vehicle would blow up.
Torti sought to dismiss the suit under a 1980 state law that bars damage suits against anyone who "in good faith, and not for compensation, renders emergency care at the scene of an emergency" - even for negligent acts that injure the victim.
Although the law does not distinguish between types of emergency care, the court majority said the context shows it was meant to be limited to medical care. The law was part of a package of legislation on emergency medical services, Justice Carlos Moreno said in the majority opinion.
Source: http://www.mingpaonews.com/20081222/gaa2.htm
【明報專訊】有心臟病人在醫院門外疑 失救死亡,明愛醫院昨日為事件解畫時承認,一名心臟病人前日在醫院正門外暈倒後,其家屬即時走入醫院向一名職員求助,職員建議家屬自行致電999報警而沒 代向急症室求援,最後令該名病人在院外百米之處折騰26分鐘後才送抵醫院,經搶救後死亡。該院行政總監馬學章坦言醫院職員未有即時通知急症室是有不足之 處,但堅稱死者位處不在醫院範圍內,故有關職員「已盡了力」及「跟足指引做」。院方全程未有承認犯錯及道歉。
事發後,有輿論直指明愛「見死不救」,至昨日下午,明愛行政總監馬學章與明愛醫院急症室主管吳奎,在醫管局質 素及安全總監梁聣賢等人陪同下會見記者交代事件始末。馬學章指死者家屬在前日下午2時43分,曾走入醫院向一名女職員求助,該職員即按醫院指引,建議事主 致電999求助,而沒有通知急症室或任何醫護人員。其間,明愛一名姓韋醫生路經事發地點,發現病人已無脈搏,即時為病人急救,但急症室就沒有派醫護前往。