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- 美國批評中國毆打虐待犯人囚犯﹐但美國自己呢﹖只談警方虐待槍殺市民﹐差不多每星期都有發生。只要定時留意CNN新聞便可以看到。連六七十歲老婆婆﹐四肢殘廢傷殘人士﹐十二三歲小孩也難逃毒手。美國警方近年有了電槍那種新玩兒﹐市民因電槍受傷死亡自然多了。
- 美國的囚犯比世界任何一個國家都要多
- 地球上僅存兩個國家會將某些未成年罪犯處死--美國是其中之一﹐另一個國家是剛果。
- 美國有世界上最多的未成年人士因犯法而被判終生監禁(他們永遠沒有假釋的機會)
- 在美國﹐"成年人"的定義會因情況﹑地方而異。簡單來說﹐投票要十八歲﹐吸煙要十八歲﹐飲酒要二十一歲。但犯了罪的話﹐十六或十七歲的青少年經常被當作"成人"審判﹐被判入成人的監獄﹐甚至死刑。連十二或十三的壞孩子也有時被當作"成人"般控告。一個非常諷刺的例子﹕在美國某些地方﹐"未成年飲酒"(即二十一歲以下)的青少年有時會被當作"成人"定罪。
- 美國法律制度的種族歧視十分嚴重。美國的黑人會因犯小事而被施重刑--如犯同一事﹐白人的刑期通常輕得多
- 美國的苛法相信比世界大部份"文明"國家不合情理。曾經有人因在商店偷錄影帶而被判終身監禁。
- 美國批評中國為了奧運迫遷當地市民。美國也有為了發展商利用Eminent domain迫遷當地市民。雖然美國的地區政府會有比較合理的賠償﹐但不肯搬遷的居民會被拘捕。
- 至於國際事件就更不用多說了﹕違反國際人權條約﹑在古巴和其他國家虐待恐怖份子疑犯﹑秘密監獄﹑美軍強姦女童及殺害女童一家﹑美軍為求報復而濫殺伊拉克居民﹐等等。




CNN 全文﹕

China, host of the summer Olympics, is an authoritarian nation that denies its people basic human rights and freedoms, harasses journalists and foreign aid workers and tortures prisoners, the United States charged Tuesday.

Workers install acoustic boards at the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Fast Railway, a key project associated with the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

China is still among the world's human rights abusers despite rapid economic growth that has transformed large parts of Chinese society, the State Department said in an annual accounting of human rights practices around the world.

Torture in China includes the use of electric shocks, beatings, shackles, and other forms of abuse, according to the report. It includes an account of a prisoner strapped to a "tiger bench," as device that forces the legs to bend sometimes until they break.

The report details the lengths some Chinese officials have taken to enforce China's well-known "one child" policy, and says forced relocations went up last year. The report notes claims that people were forced from their homes to make way for Olympic projects in Beijing.

"The year 2007 saw increased efforts to control and censor the Internet, and the government tightened restrictions on freedom of speech and the domestic press," the report says of China. "The government continued to monitor, harass, detain, arrest, and imprison journalists, Internet writers, and bloggers."

The country-by-country report is compiled separately from U.S. diplomatic efforts, and presented to Congress. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was releasing it at the State Department.

The report also notes further backsliding in President Vladimir Putin's Russia last year, and ticks off a string of undemocratic moves taken by close U.S. ally President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan.

"In Russia, centralization of power in the executive branch, a compliant State Duma, corruption and selectivity in enforcement of the law," onerous restrictions on aid groups and the media "continued to erode the government's accountability to its citizens," the report said.

It said that Pakistan's human rights situation worsened during the year, "stemming primarily from President Musharraf's decision to impose a 42-day state of emergency, suspend the constitution, and dismiss the Supreme and High Provincial Courts."

Political adversaries Cuba, Iran, Zimbabwe and Syria were all listed as human rights abusers. Sudan's record was called "horrific."

North Korea is called an absolute dictatorship with repressive policies that control the most basic aspects of daily life. The report does not mention the intensive U.S. campaign for nuclear disarmament in North Korea, which included the first regular visits in decades by U.S. diplomats to the secretive regime in 2007.

"Pregnant female prisoners underwent forced abortions in some cases, and in other cases babies were killed upon birth in prisons," the report noted in its section covering detention and imprisonment in the North.

2 則留言:

david kong 說...

You may find interest here :


MoleWisdom.M 說...

Long but interesting (and fair) article. Unfortunately, this kind of gender quota system will be in the U.S. soon enough.

At Stanford, there are some very good women in engineering and science (E&S), though few compared to men - and some women were near the top of the class.

People have different interests - it doesn't make sense to force interest into some at the expense of denying others who are more interested. The proposed "equity" will kick competent and interested men out of the E&S departments to make room for women who are uninterested in E&S and who apply just because there is easy approval and free grant money.

When the only merits are being female and being an under-represented minority, the so-called meritocracy no longer exists. Only a true sexist, racist system remains. True equity cannot happen when equity is demanded only when there are benefits and advantages and rejected otherwise - but this is exactly what some women's rights activists want, and getting.

This sounds bleak, but in the near future, when I need to see a doctor, I will look for older doctors only - less chance of an "affirmative action" or "academic quota system" doctor. A bad English teacher may not kill, but an incompetent doctor probably will.

What's the status of affirmative action in Canada?
