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Rite Aid (2008/04/06 - 2008/04/12)

Rite Aid 購買小貼士:例如: 兩件US$8, 不一定一次購買兩件.

今期(6 Apr 08 ~ 12 Apr 08)Rite Aid本人覺得買得過的產品:

Buy 1 Get Second 1 FREE:
Dr Scholl's Massaging Gel, Back Pain Relief or Knee Relief Insoles, One Pair(Dr Scholl's鞋墊)


Rite Aid Coupon:
Aleve-D Sinus & Cold 10 ct.(Located at pharmacy counter, not available in Oregon.)(傷風感冒藥丸) - US$3.99, 減去US$3.00 Coupon後, 一盒US$0.99.

4x6 Digital Prints in-store / online:
15 Free Digital Prints with 50 prints*($2.85 volue) with Coupon!

* Less than 50 prints - $0.29 each; 50 prints ot more - $0.19 each.

Ferrero Rocher or Rondnoir 12 ct., Raffaello 15 ct.(Ferrero朱古力) - 每包US$1.99.

