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我們現在用藍十字保險(Blue Cross Tonik)。原因是價錢不貴﹐我們又不常看醫生﹐買醫療保險主要是保意外和入醫院。加上有免費檢查和清洗牙齒(一年兩次)﹐所以Tonik都算吸引。



在2007年5月尾﹐我倆再去同一個牙醫檢查和清洗牙齒。問題也在這次發生。到牙醫後﹐收到藍十字的EOB(Explanation of Benefits)。EOB說因為我們的牙醫不是藍十字合約牙醫(contracted provider)﹐所以保險公司只會付部份費用(即是牙醫檢查和清洗牙齒不是免費)﹐其餘的$130要我們自己付。但那完全不合理﹐因為我們看牙醫前曾在藍十字網站查明那位牙醫確實是藍十字合約牙醫。如果有錯的話﹐都是錯在藍十字沒有update他們的網站。

於是﹐我致電給藍十字客務部要求上訴(那時是7月)。他們寫下了我們的情況後﹐說三十天後會有消息。三十天後﹐沒有收到信。我致電追問﹐他們說再等兩星期再致電他們。兩星期後﹐我再致電去追問﹐他們的答應都是一樣--我要求與supervisor談。但結果都是一樣﹕"等兩星期"。我問supervisor關於上訴部的電話和地址﹐那supervisor竟然告訴我﹕他們沒有上訴部的電話和地址﹐他們只能用電腦系統與上訴部溝通(連email都沒有)。於是﹐我每星期都致電去跟進﹐開始發覺每次的接線生都是印度人(call center應該是在印度)。又開始懷疑有沒有上訴部的存在。

就這樣過了三個月。在10月尾﹐我再致電跟進。這次很幸運--我要求與supervisor談﹐等了很久後終於被駁線到一個在美國的supervisor(相信是因為印度的supervisor都沒有空)。我向他解釋了情況和談論我對藍十字的失望--他好像有點同情。他說會親自將案件交給上訴部門。之後﹐我幾經辛苦才再找到這位supervisor跟進(因為據稱﹐藍十字的員工沒有直線﹐而他們給你的extension根本駁不到線﹔所以要知道他們身在哪辦公室)。他說再等兩星期。結果﹐一星期後﹐我收到上訴結果--"上訴得直"。再一星期後﹐我收到adjusted EOB--那次牙醫服務免費。



- 位於美國的客務服務員比位於印度的服務員權力較大--而且比較flexible
- 如果可以的話﹐除了記下服務員的名字和號碼﹐也要記下他的辦公室地址或城市。如果我當日沒有記下那美國supervisor的辦公室城市名﹐相信我沒有可能再聯絡他向他跟進。

灣區牙科保健 - Serena Hu, San Antonio Dental Care

Other thoughts posted on

I have called Blue Cross many times, each time as frustrating as the
next. Here are some problems I have encountered:

1. The computer asked me to enter my member ID on the keypad; my
member ID contains an "A", which I entered as "2" but that wasn't
recognized. Apparently, there is no way to enter letters, so there is no way to enter my member ID.
2. The computer then asked me to say my member ID, which it cannot
understand until I tried for about 5 times.
3. When I complained about the difficulty with the computer system to the human, she said "Is it a problem with our computers or is it your problem?" Such terrible service!!!

Tip: If you suspect that you are talking to a rep in India, ask to be connected to a supervisor (likely located in the US - though you may be on hold for a few minutes). The reps in the US seem to know more although there is a chance that they are far less polite (see #3 above).

3 則留言:

Ray 說...

This is a good lesson today. If the insurnace company doesn't update their data online, how can customers know the data is wrong? Your persistence is very impressive.

MoleWisdom.M 說...

Insurance companies are notorious for denying claims even if they are at fault. We have to be persistent.

Have you seen the movie Sicko?

Ray 說...

I haven't watched this movie before. I just google it and find it is interesting. I will order that DVD using netflix soon.
