Soon after we arrived at Singapore, we went to a Guardian store (local pharmacy) in the MRT station to buy a bottle of sun screen. However, it was too expensive (S$14-15). Next morning, we went to a supermarket called Cold Storage and bought a bottle of Nivea sun screen (because this was the most inexpensive one - S$11.90). The Nivea sun screen was not very good - as our skin wrinkled quite a bit after the trip. In the past, we used Banana Boat sun screen against stronger sun and no wrinkle resulted.
Sun screen products in Singapore cost about the same as in Hong Kong. Of course, when Wal-mart (USA) runs a sale, sun screen is up to 1/3 cheaper than in Singapore. Also, there is a much wider selection of sun screen products in the US.
Singapore MRT
Singapore - Strictly for Students in KFC
Singapore Airport (Changi Airport)
Singapore Food
Singapore Food - Roti Prata
Singapore Food - Chicken Rice
Singapore Food - Ka Kun Kaya Toast
Singapore Food - Bak Kut Teh
Singapore Souvenirs - Yakult vs. Vitagen
Singapore Souvenirs - Instant Noodles
Singapore Souvenirs - Fong Moon Kee
Singapore - Other Souvenirs
Singapore - New 7th Storey Hotel
Airplane food on Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airline